You don’t get old and stop moving.

You stop moving and then you get old.

- an anonymous wise individual

Functional Movement - What is it?

Functional movement is the ability to move your body through the 7 basic movement patterns needed to maintain an independent lifestyle:

1. Sit


5. Twist

6. Bend

3. Push

4. Pull

7. Walk/Gait

Recognizing the body is an integrative, complex system where nothing occurs in a vacuum, functional based movement is a holistic approach to how the body should be worked.

Functional movement targets the body as a whole unit, engaging multiple muscle groups and integrating various planes of motion in movement patterns needed for everyday life, i.e. carrying objects, pushing open doors, bending forward to tie your shoes, etc.

This results in a more well-rounded approach to physical movement and reduces the risk of injury.

What can you expect in a functional movement based yoga class?

At LULOA Yoga, my goal is to integrate functional movement in a natural, seamless manner so you leave class feeling better than when you started and more equipped to take on your daily routine.


Practically speaking, that means less focus on cool party tricks (think balancing on our fingertips) and more devotion to building strength, increasing range of motion, growing endurance, and enhancing flexibility and overall mobility.

Characteristics of functional movement based classes:

Dynamic Movement

Static postures are great, but adding dynamic movement provides greater opportunity to build strength, challenge balance, and enhance other subtleties like proprioception and mindfulness.

Strength-based Focus

Building, maintaining, and enhancing strength (particularly in the lower half of the body and core) is paramount for aging and key to functional movement. I focus on strength first, then stretch.

Smart Sequencing

Poses, transitions, and even pauses during class are sequenced in a smart, thoughtful manner that support the underlying goal of moving in ways that support you in everyday life.

Body Equanimity

Functional movement often highlights imbalances in the body resulting from our daily habits. This type of biofeedback provides the awareness needed to make adjustments and work towards establishing equanimity in the body.

Intentional Transitions

To quote my favorite fitness trainer, Kira Stokes, “Transitions matter!”. In a yoga class, transitions are the perfect opportunity to enhance body awareness and control and ensure you move in a manner that is safe and balanced.

Appropriate Level of Challenge

The best teacher for your body is You. I offer modifications to poses and movement patterns throughout class and always encourage you to listen to your body and it’s natural intelligence to guide you throughout practice. Honoring your body and your needs ensures you experience the appropriate level of challenge that is right for you.