My Favorite Yoga Props

My recommendations include well-known brands that I personally use. These items can be purchased directly through Amazon using my affiliate link below.

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Foam Blocks

Used as part of a daily practice. Offer a little “give”. Recommend 2.

Fit For Life
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Cork Blocks

Great for more sturdy support. Very little “give”.

Yoga Strap

Offered in a variety of lengths. Recommend longer length.

Yoga Towel

Great if you tend to sweat during practice.

Yoga Blanket

Offers additional, comfy support. Highly recommended for gentle classes.

Open Road Goods
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Provides firmer support than a blanket. Great for the UNWIND practice or as seat for meditation or pranayama.

Yoga Wheel

Incredible for supported back bending. Can be used for other practice elements.

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Yoga Mats

Mats come in various lengths, widths, and thickness.

Remember, the thicker the mat the harder to balance, but too thin and you may need cushioning for your knees.